Annual Winter Test Runs Begin for City and Contractor Crews

Nov 3, 2023

Beginning November 6, more than 50 City and contractor snowplows, graders and other winter maintenance vehicles will be out on Greater Sudbury streets, completing training exercises to familiarize themselves with routes. These test runs allow crews to identify potential hazards, obstacles and operational challenges before the winter weather arrives.

This training, which lasts until November 24, takes place at the same time every year to align with the beginning of external contracts for winter maintenance activities.

The City’s winter control plan is based on Council-approved service levels and includes details on snow plowing standards, sidewalks, snow removal and technology used for winter control. Information on winter operations, including a chart outlining when crews are deployed, details of the overnight parking ban and plow standards for main and secondary roads, can be found at

Residents are reminded to remove portable basketball nets from the road and off the shoulder during the winter months to allow snowplows and salt/sand trucks a clear path. Hockey nets should be stored away from the roadway when not in use.
