City Invites Public Input into $6 Million Savings Project

Jun 17, 2015

The City is inviting the public to submit their ideas to help achieve permanent savings of $6 million for the 2016 budget.

For budget 2015, City Council directed and passed a tax levy increase of 0%, which was made possible in part by using $6 million in one-time contributions from reserves and capital. In order to minimize the 2016 budget impact, $6 million in permanent savings must be identified.

Input to the $6 million project (P6M) is being sought from municipal employees, from Council, and from members of the public. Residents can submit ideas for achieving the $6 million in savings by online form ( or by sending an email to All suggestions received will be tracked, evaluated and reported on. Residents are free to submit anonymous ideas.

The deadline for submission of ideas into the P6M process is Friday, July 31, 2015, in order to allow time for ideas to be thoroughly assessed prior to the start of deliberations for budget 2016.
