Food: Too Good to Waste

Focus on waste reduction first. This can also help you save money!

  • Buying in bulk is fine if you can eat it all. If there’s extra, freeze it, can it, donate it, or make soups, smoothies or baked goods.
  • Apps/sites like BigOven, Yummly, Super Cook or My Fridge Food will suggest recipes based on ingredients you want to use up. You’d also be surprised what comes up by just searching the ingredients you want to use + “recipe” in Google.
  • Never going to eat that can of beans? Donate it to a local food bank.
  • Make a meal plan and stick with it. Apps/websites like Whisk, Mealime or Paprika help with meal planning and generating grocery lists.
  • Best before dates have to do with food quality – freshness, texture, flavour and nutritional value – not safety. They are not expiry dates.
  • First In, First Out. When unpacking groceries, move older products to the front of the fridge/freezer/pantry and new products to the back.
  • Use apps like Flash Food to buy near-expiry foods at discounted prices at local grocery stores.
  • Take the Circular Innovation Council Food Waste Pledge.