How will blasting affect my property/home?

The City’s contractor or consultant will perform a pre-construction survey of the interior and exterior of residences in advance of construction. These are typically required before blasting operations or when there is heavy vibration anticipated during construction.

Before Construction:

The City’s Contractor will contact residents within the affected area if a pre-construction survey of a home is required.

A pre-construction survey is conducted by a third-party consultant and is a visual inspection of the residence and other structures complete with photos and/or videos. The consultant will be required to enter the residence to complete the interior portion of the survey.

During Construction:

Monitoring will occur during vibratory and/or blasting operations. The blasting or vibration levels are monitored during the operations to ensure that they are maintained within allowable ranges.

Residents in the construction area can expect to feel some vibration and hear some noise.

Expect intermittent traffic delays during blasting operations. Traffic will be stopped in both directions for a period while the rock blasting work is actively occurring.

After Construction:

Once the work is complete, upon request to the contractor, the post-blast survey of your home can be made available to you.