Inflatable Fire Safety House

Our Inflatable Fire Safety House is a tool we use as part of our fire education program to promote fire safety, teach children the importance of a home fire escape plan, and identify fire hazards that they may face at home. It is used mostly in elementary schools along with our mascot Sparky the Fire Dog.

The inflatable house exposes many fire hazards found in the home. It is made up of three rooms: a kitchen, living room and bedroom.  Students can practice escaping a fire by crawling up a ramp through the bedroom window onto an air mattress.

The fire safety house teaches students about fire safety including the dangers of playing with lighters and matches, candle safety, smoke alarms, camp fires, knowing what to do in an emergency, kitchen safety, fireplace safety, burn treatment, fire escape plans, and stop, drop, and roll.

Inflatable fire safety house.