Making a Request to Appear

Presentations by Community Delegations are added to an agenda at the discretion of the Clerk.  Requests to appear are required to be submitted to the Clerk a minimum of three weeks prior to the requested meeting date.

Community Delegations are required to submit a letter, preferably written on community group or organizational letterhead, or from the organization’s email account, describing how the presentation will relate to existing or proposed municipal policies or initiatives and the desired outcome of the presentation.

The letter must include:

  • a primary contact name,
  • telephone number,
  • mailing address,
  • email
  • the name(s) of the individual(s) who will make the presentation. A maximum of three people may appear at the podium at the same time.

Email the letter to or mail or deliver the letter of request to: 

Clerk’s Services, Tom Davies Square,
200 Brady Street,
Box 5000, Station A,
Sudbury, ON P3A 5P3

Clerk’s Services will review the letter of request in context of the City of Greater Sudbury’s Procedure By-Law 2019-50 to determine if the topic is appropriate as an agenda item.

If the topic is appropriate as an agenda item:

  • municipal staff will contact the delegation representative with the scheduled date and time for the presentation and
  • the letter of request will be included in the agenda for the chosen meeting date. All information contained in the letter, including names, is available to the public through the meeting agenda.

Please note that if the agenda for the requested date is full, an alternative date will be suggested.

In some circumstances, a Community Delegation may not be placed on an agenda, in which case the information provided may be circulated for information.