At the Meeting

  • Wait until the Chair announces your presentation before going to the podium.
  • Remember to introduce yourself, as well as anyone who may be accompanying you to the podium (up to three people). State the reason for your presentation.
  • The Chair of the meeting is responsible for conducting the meeting and ensuring proper meeting decorum. Always follow directions and instructions from the Chair.
  • Address your presentation and answers to any questions to the chairperson. The proper protocol is to say, “Through you, Mr./Madam Chair” or, if the Mayor is chairing the meeting, “Through you, Your Worship.”
  • Make eye contact with your audience and try not to read directly from your slides or speaking notes. Many excellent resources for effective speaking and presentation techniques are available online and at the Greater Sudbury Public Library.
  • Once you have finished speaking, remain at the podium until you have been thanked by the Chair. The Chair may ask you to answer questions. Please wait for direction from the Chair before responding to comments or questions from the members.

Meetings are held in English, but delegations may address Members in either English or French.