Goal: Build economic development initiatives to support existing businesses, attract new businesses and promote entrepreneurship

Strategic initiative:

Manage development fees to make Greater Sudbury a competitive place to establish or grow a business. 

Strategic initiative:

Invite and encourage private sector proposals for collaborative projects.

Strategic initiative:

Work with existing employers to grow businesses by attracting new employees and supporting existing businesses.

Strategic initiative:

Pilot large-scale entrepreneurship skills development and attraction strategy by leveraging the Regional Business Centre collaboration network and resources.

Strategic initiative:

Support the establishment of the Downtown Business Incubator, a physical space and associated programming to help new business startups launch and scale-up.

Strategic initiative:

Promote new development in agriculture and aquaculture opportunities.

Related Links:

Development Charges By-law 2019-100
Downtown Master Plan
Economic Bulletin
Economic Development Strategic Plan 2015-2025
From the Ground Up – GSDC Strategic Plan 2015-2025
GSDC Annual Report
Regional Business Centre
Invest Sudbury