When You Call an Ambulance

When You Call an Ambulance

In an emergency call 911. Trained emergency call takers will answer your call and give you the information and assistance you need until help arrives.

When you call 911

It is important to keep calm. The call taker will ask if you need police, fire or ambulance and ask you to provide the following information:

  • your name, address and telephone number
  • your location
  • an explanation of the emergency 

The call taker may ask you for additional details or give you information to help you until paramedics arrive. Stay on the line until the call taker ends the call.

When you are waiting for an ambulance

While you are waiting for an ambulance, there are a few things you can do to help the paramedics upon arrival:

  • Assign someone to stay at the door to watch for the paramedics and direct them to the person in distress.
  • If it is dark out, turn on the outside light of your house.
  • Put pets in a separate room and close the door.
  • Move furniture or footwear out of the way so paramedics can have an unobstructed path to the person who needs help.
  • Be prepared to provide the person’s medical information, including medications and dosages.

Keep a list of your medications

If you ever need emergency medical attention it is important for paramedics and first responders to know about any medication you are taking.

  • Complete a Link to Life Medical Information Sheet (PDF, 48 KB) for medication you take regularly
  • Let a family member or friend know where it is or hang it on your fridge
  • Make sure that it is always up-to-date

When to Call 911 for Medical Emergencies