Sludge discharge agreements

How does the by-law address my business?

Sludge is defined as wastewater which is generated by an industrial/commercial process and which contains more than 0.5 per cent total solids, but not more than the maximum concentration allowed under Schedule A of the City of Greater Sudbury Sewer Use By-law. This does not include material which has been pumped out of a domestic septic tank.

The City of Greater Sudbury's Sewer Use By-law requires owners/operators of an industrial/commercial activity that produces sewage sludge to comply with the following, no later than September 15, 2011:

  • Enter into a Sludge Discharge Agreement with the City of Greater Sudbury to ensure that sludge delivered to the municipal septage receiving station meets acceptable limits regulated under Greater Sudbury's Sewer Use By-law Schedule A.
  • Test the sludge at their own cost and ensure that the waste product meets the acceptable limits regulated under Greater Sudbury's Sewer Use By-law Schedule A prior to delivery.
  • Ensure that sludge haulers possess a valid Hauled Liquid Waste Permit from the City of Greater Sudbury and a current MOE Provincial Certificate of Approval for liquid waste hauling.
  • Complete and carry all proper documentation, including a City of Greater Sudbury and/or Province of Ontario manifest providing source, content and quantity of sludge.

Why is waste sludge a concern?

Sludge often contains high concentrations of heavy metals, organic compounds and pathogenic organisms as an end product of the wastewater treatment process. The City of Greater Sudbury's Sewer Use By-law sets limits on concentrations of materials that could damage the municipal wastewater treatment system or pose a danger to wastewater treatment operators and the environment.
While a single sludge producer may contribute only small quantities of these substances, collectively all producers are a significant contributor. It is therefore critical that every business does whatever is necessary to reduce substances of concern prior to discharge into the sanitary sewer system.

Conditions which may result in By-law compliance audits and enforcement:

  • Discharging sludge without a Sludge Discharge Agreement with the City of Greater Sudbury,
  • Discharging sludge which does not comply with acceptable limits regulated under Greater Sudbury's Sewer Use By-law Schedule A.
  • Hauling sludge, or contracting sludge haulage, in vehicles which do not possess a valid Hauled Liquid Waste Permit from the City of Greater Sudbury and a current MOE Provincial Certificate of Approval for liquid waste hauling.
  • Failure to submit a manifest for disposal and/or incomplete or false statements regarding quantity and content of waste sludge.