Water Meters

Water Meter.

Did you know that your water meter is actually located inside your home? Water meters are typically located in the basement, along the front wall and near the floor. Sometimes they might be hidden in cupboards or cabinets built by previous homeowners.

What most people think is their water meter, is actually a remote reader, which is located outside your house. This outdoor remote reader gets a reading from the water meter inside your home. This allows us to get a water meter reading without having to enter your house.

How to Care for Your Water Meter

  • Learn how to keep your water meter from freezing
  • You are responsible for the care of both your indoor water meter and outdoor remote reader.
  • Make sure that crews can easily access your outdoor remote reader to get water readings.
  • Inspect your indoor water meter once a month for cracks or other damage. Open, close, and reopen the two isolation valves located on either side of the water meter regularly to prevent the valves from seizing.
  • If you are planning a renovation or construction project, contact the City at 705-674-4455 extension 3663 to find out if your water meter and/or remote reader will need to be moved.

Water meters are owned by the City of Greater Sudbury and only staff from Water/Wastewater Services is authorized to install, adjust or perform any other related work. Staff may inspect water meters to investigate abnormal fluctuations in water consumption. You will be contacted if a water meter inspection is necessary.