Sudbury Alerts

Sudbury Alerts

The City of Greater Sudbury, in partnership with Vale, Glencore, Greater Sudbury Police Services, Greater Sudbury Hydro and Public Health Sudbury & Districts, launched Sudbury Alerts in February 2017. This notification system alerts residents of potential hazards or concerns considered an imminent threat to public safety.

The system allows residents to receive emergency alerts on their home phone, cell phone, TTY service, fax number or email address.

Emergency situations that would trigger Sudbury Alerts notifications could include:

  • extreme weather situations,
  • hazardous material spills,
  • wildfires or other situations that could create an imminent threat to public safety.

Sudbury Alerts will be used to share emergency action messages so you can stay safe and potentially protect or minimize damage to your property.

Sign Up for Sudbury Alerts

Sign up for Sudbury Alerts

Sign up here to receive Sudbury Alerts

  • Create an account, add your contact and location information and select your preferred language.
  • You can include land line or cell phone numbers, email addresses, TTY services, and fax numbers.
  • The information you provide is protected and will not be used for any other purpose.
  • If you don’t have access to a computer or the internet, please visit your nearest branch of the Greater Sudbury Public Library.

Sudbury Alerts Frequently Asked Questions

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