Maps of Lohi Lake

Township Map

Lohi Lake is located in Broder township.

UTM Coordinates:     
Easting  496679, Northing  5137048

Watershed Map

Lohi Lake is located in the Panache Watershed. The area of the watershed is 460 ha.    Lohi Lake is a headwater lake that has been used as an environmental ecological monitoring lake specifically for air quality (smelter emissions reductions) in the area.  For more information contact the Co-operative Freshwater Ecology Unit.

For more information on the watershed, and on the data obtained for this lake, please click on the following link: Watershed Map


Bathymetric Map

Lohi Lake is 41.6 hectares in size with a shoreline perimeter of 4.4 kilometers.  The maximum depth of Lohi Lake is 19 metres.