Maps of Lake Nepahwin

Township Map

Nepahwin Lake is located in McKim Township.

UTM Coordinates: 
Easting 500303  Northing 5145008

Watershed Map

Nepahwin Lake is located in the Ramsey Watershed. The lake is situated within a 744-hectare watershed that extends around Nepahwin Lake from points near the southwest bypass to Walford Rd. and Laurentian University.

For more information on the watershed, and on the data obtained for this lake, please click on the following link: Watershed Map


Bathymetric Map

Nepahwin Lake is 127.0 hectares in size with a shoreline perimeter of 11.8 kilometers.   Nepahwin was formed by the glaciers as they scoured the landscape more than 10,000 years ago and it is also one of the deepest lakes inside the city limits with a maximum depth of 22 meters (60 feet).